July 2020: Following the easing of restrictions, in July one of our members returned a very good fish.
Late February 2020: Beware when trying to fish The Ferry. After the very high water there are large holed in the roadway and the path is littered with round bales washed off the fields. Ewen Robertson sent us these photos to share…….

The Opening Day ceremony went ahead as planned on the 14th February 2020 at 11am despite the gentle rain which soon turned into more of a monsoon. Many thanks to the Ord Distillery for donating the toast to the water and Janet and Margaret for the sausage rolls, bread pudding and shortbread. The piper, Niall Bolger, was ‘on-song’ despite the weather, to lead our President to the water for the toast, and a small fish was taken soon after by Jim Braithwaite.