UPDATE 21st July 2024.

There are fish going through the river system this week – this is a fresh grilse, around 7lb caught by Toby Hardwick mid-week.

Derek Maclean caught the 2nd salmon – a 6lb fish. The upper beats from the Downie to the Falls have also been catching fish after the rains.   

Loch Nam Bonnach:
The Council have advised there is blue-green algae on the loch and no-one should be fishing it at this time.

Senior Competition:

This will take place at Achagour Fishery on Saturday 27th July 4-8pm. Contact Neil unless you have already been phoned. Raffle prizes and fishing for the Shield.

Exchange Tickets:

Don’t forget the Club has exchange agreements for fishing with many clubs in the area.
The Aberdeen & District Angling Association has produced some videos – check them out on the ‘Exchange & Concessionary Waters‘ page.

JUNIOR MEMBERS:  A 5th session should be happening on Sunday 28th unless most of the Junior Members are still away on holiday. As usual, Yorky will phone to check your availability for that day.
  The 3rd session of the season was held this morning 11am-2pm, successfully.
Unfortunately the weed has had a growth spurt and will need pulling out again within a few weeks so it will be easier to fish the Orrin Loch.


Clearing weed at Orrin (May 2024): Thank you to all those who came to help including one of our Junior members, Charlie. We managed to clear back a lot of the weed which was growing into the better fishing areas of the Lochs.

Weed Clearing at Orrin Lochs April 2024

BDFB Conservation Policy 2024 Just issued by the Board for information to our Members, click to access the .pdf.

Some information about the Ness & Beauly Biosecurity Plan until 2030.  All the non-native species that cold threaten the River system.

Opening Day on the River Beauly.

An excellent morning was had when we opened the River from the Downie Fishing Hut. A wonderful young piper took us down to the water for Jim Braithwaite to give the toast to the River echoed by all with a wee dram donated by the Ord Distillery. Ewen Robertson made the first official cast onto the River at the Island Run.

The Piper beginning the march to the water

Refreshments of sausage rolls and bread pudding were soon eaten followed with fudges and chocolate slices from Margaret and Liz and an amazing decorated and tasty cake from Gift – see photographs. There was a great response to our first raffle of the year with many prizes donated by the local community and club – a rough list and photograph is shown on the Gallery pages.

Access was a problem for some of those attending as following the recent heavy rain and flooding, which meant part of the track was well under water, but wellies and determination saw them through up to the Downie hut. Thank you to the SUV and 4×4 drivers who were able to give lifts to those with lower sub-frames who parked up before the ‘flood’.

Many thanks also to all members and guests for their help and assistance in making the morning go well and in making everyone feel welcome to our River Opening. 

Pictures are shown on our Gallery pages and the Highland News sent Jamie, their photographer, along to snap the important toast to the River. We may see some of their pictures in the Courier come Tuesday or Friday.

Many thanks to The Ord Distillery for their donation of the Toast from a bottle of  Singleton








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Some of the Raffle Prizes for the Opening February 2024












To become a member of the club go to the Forms page to download. Or contact  Beauly Angling Club, c/o Ewen Robertson, Georth, Groam Court, Kirkhill Inverness-shire IV5 7NW
Tel. 07752 850304. E-mail: ewenrobertson@hotmail.com
Pay by cheque (Beauly Angling Club), cash, in person or BACS to the
Beauly Angling Club account: 80-05-61 00138972 Bank of Scotland

Tide Times ( Inverness):

Sunday 21 July 2024 00:33 4.03 M High Water
  06:43 0.96 M Low Water
  13:08 4.36 M High Water
  19:10 1.22 M Low Water
Monday 22 July 2024 01:19 4.30 M High Water
  07:24 0.70 M Low Water
  13:54 4.54 M High Water
  19:47 1.07 M Low Water
Tuesday 23 July 2024 02:03 4.53 M High Water
  08:05 0.51 M Low Water
  14:38 4.66 M High Water
  20:25 0.97 M Low Water
Wednesday 24 July 2024 02:46 4.71 M High Water
  08:46 0.42 M Low Water
  15:22 4.70 M High Water
  21:04 0.95 M Low Water
Thursday 25 July 2024 03:31 4.79 M High Water
  09:30 0.44 M Low Water
  16:07 4.64 M High Water
  21:44 1.01 M Low Water
Friday 26 July 2024 04:16 4.78 M High Water
  10:15 0.56 M Low Water
  16:53 4.50 M High Water
  22:28 1.15 M Low Water
Saturday 27 July 2024 05:03 4.66 M High Water
  11:05 0.77 M Low Water
  17:42 4.30 M High Water
  23:18 1.37 M Low Water
Sunday 28 July 2024 05:54 4.46 M High Water
  12:04 1.05 M Low Water
  18:35 4.07 M High Water
Monday 29 July 2024 00:21 1.61 M Low Water
  06:50 4.21 M High Water
  13:24 1.33 M Low Water
  19:34 3.86 M High Water


  • The Beauly Angling Club provides members with affordable access to river and firth for Salmon and Sea Trout.

    The club was founded during the Second World War by the late Simon Fraser, Lord Lovat, and became known as the Beauly Angling Club in the mid 1980s.

    Our fishing on the River Beauly extends downstream from Lovat Bridge to Wester Lovat; this equates to around 7 miles of bank fishing with ten named pools.

    The fishing on the inner half of the Beauly Firth is also included in club membership offering saltwater fly fishing, spinning and bait fishing predominately for Sea Trout. We have a number of exchange tickets set up with other Angling Clubs across Scotland.

    We will have exchange tickets and also offer concessionary waters – please see the menu from the Members & Club Information pages after the Season begins

    The club holds a number of friendly competitions for members held on different waters and regularly fields teams in inter-club competitions during the season, please see the Competitions page.

  • In 2014 we launched a junior member development programme aimed at bringing the next generation of anglers into the sport. After the success of Junior Fishing Days in 2021, 2022 and 2023, the Club plan to hold more days in 2024 – check the website and Facebook for details and Yorky or Karl should be getting in contact as well.

    Who can join? The club is open to potential members from all over the Highlands & Islands. We would particularly welcome applications from potential junior members.


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