Autumn Newsletter  2016


Dear Members,


Hope you had a good season, I have a few important matters for your attention.



The Scottish Government has announced that the River Beauly is to be in Cat.2 for the 2017 season which means that rather than returning all salmon we will be allowed to keep some. The precise details of what will be allowed have yet to be agreed but this is a big step in the right direction.



May I remind you that the AGM. is on Friday 25th November, 7.30pm at The Lovat Arms Hotel, Beauly.


Along with usual elections, prizes and financial statements, the committee this year will be recommending the following:


A )         Beauly AC Rules – proposed revision 2016 AGM

  1. Permits. Members will carry their laminated BAC permits whilst fishing at all times and must produce it if asked to do so. If any club member is not carrying their permit, they must not fish. (Note new laminated membership cards are to be issued for next season) If a permit should be lost a replacement may be had from the committee for a £10 fee.
  2. 2017 Catch & Release:To be announced.
  3. River Conduct. On the club water, all anglers must move down one metre at every cast, irrespective of whether or not any other anglers are waiting. The angler arriving first, at either side of a beat, has the right to fish down the water first followed by other rods in order of their arrival. An angler, on landing and returning a Salmon or Grilse, shall not continue fishing but take their turn should other rods be waiting. If they should lose a fish, they may continue.
  4. Extent of fishing. The water between Lovat Bridge and Wester Lovat is fly fishing only, no treble hooks are allowed – the use of de-barbed or barbless hooks is encouraged. On the Firth fishings, starting at Wester Lovat seaward, fishing is by rod and line only but fishing with multiple rods or fixed lines is strictly forbidden.
  5. Other waters. When fishing other waters on exchange tickets or by invitation the rules of those clubs or associations must be adhered to all times. See the separate rules in relation to Loch Fada.
  6. River Beauly fishing seasons: Salmon, Grilse, Sea Trout & Finnock: 11th February to 15th October. Brown Trout: 15th March to 6th October
  7. Catch returns. As a tenant of Lovat Estate, the BAC have a legal duty to complete a timely and accurate annual catch return for submittal to the Scottish Executive. Members will therefore make their annual catch return to the designated committee member no later than the 31st October. An email return is acceptable and nil returns are required. Failure to make a return will result in the loss of membership. 8.Scale Samples. From all fish caught, scale samples together with an estimated length and weight should be submitted to the Ness & Beauly Fisheries Trust.
  8. Use of boats. Unless provided by the owners of waters being leased or rented by the Club, there is a strict policy of no boat fishing. This includes the use of float tubes, pontoon boats or other craft on club waters.
  9. Right of access/countryside code. Club members should familiarise themselves with the rights of access in Scotland and the Countryside Code. Members are liable for any damage they cause; the Club will not be held responsible or liable for any costs in this respect.
  10. Bass. Bass are occasionally caught in the Firth fishings, it is illegal to retain, transport or offer for sale Bass of less than 360mm (14.2”) in length. Catch & Release of Bass is encouraged by the committee.
  11. These rules supersede all previous rules of the BAC and must be adhered to


  1. B) Beauly AC Constitution – major revision November 2016
  2. The club shall be called the Beauly Angling Club.
  3. The club shall be managed by a committee consisting of a Chairman, Treasurer, Secretary and four other members. A quorum shall consist of five committee members. The committee will retire annually at the AGM but are eligible for reelection if they wish to be nominated.
  4. The rules and regulations of the club shall not be altered during the year unless there is an extraordinary requirement to do so. In this case the committee has the authority to act on behalf of the club and to make any rule changes required as directed by Scottish Fishery Law, local agreement, as required by the Scottish Government or by necessity due to circumstances arising. The committee shall be obliged to immediately advise all club members of any changes to the club rules by the most expedient method available. Rule changes will be ratified at the AGM or at a Special General Meeting of members called by the committee.
  5. In the event of a vacancy arising on the committee during the year then the committee may approach any current club member to ensure the position is filled as soon as practicable.
  6. The committee shall establish volunteer working groups as required to support club activities. The working groups shall be under the direction of the most appropriate club member who will not necessarily be a committee member.
  7. Membership is open to residents of the Highlands & Islands, the committee shall consider applicants from out with this area if membership spaces are available. Any club member leaving the Highlands & Islands may retain their membership provided such membership is continuous. Associate membership (for applicants who are out with the normal catchment) will be made available provided membership within the catchment has not filled all spaces. Associate members will not have an automatic right of renewal and have no voting rights at the AGM. Associate members may apply for full membership after 5 continuous years as an associate member.
  8. The committee shall have powers to suspend or dismiss any club member who has disregarded club rules, acted in a manner detrimental to the reputation of the club or otherwise compromised the clubs position; be that locally or whilst fishing exchange tickets on other club or association waters. Dismissed members will not be considered for club membership for a period as decided by the committee or a working group of club members chaired by a committee member.
  9. A Special General Meeting of members may be called (by any Club member) for any reason regarding club business, the Secretary will call a meeting on receipt of a written request signed by not less than four members.
  10. All fees shall be decided at the AGM or in exceptional circumstance at a Special General Meeting called for that purpose. Membership fees must be paid by the 31st of March each year; payment of these fees indicates an acceptance to abide by the rules of the club and its constitution.


C)The Caravan/Holiday Park has recently changed hands and the committee recommend that the following memorandum of agreement be put to the new owners to avoid dispute with them or their residents;



Beauly Angling Club Proposed code of conduct – Beauly Holiday Park.

  1. In observance of Beauly Angling Club (BAC) rule #1 all members shall, at all times, carry their permit when fishing. If any club member is not carrying their permit, they must not fish.
  2. BAC members shall, at all times, respect the privacy of and be courteous to Holiday Park users and conduct themselves in an appropriate manner.
  3. BAC members shall familiarise themselves with access points to/from the river and be as quiet as possible when entering and leaving the Holiday Park.
  4. BAC members will treat any Holiday Park facilities made available to club members with the required care and attention.
  5. BAC members will only park in the designated parking area or in such locations as directed by a member of Beauly Holiday Park staff.
  6. All permit carrying BAC members have the right to challenge anyone fishing to show their permit. Anyone fishing without a permit or fishing with equipment out with the rules shall be reported to the bailiffs.
  7. Any issues with Holiday Park users fishing on the guest tickets will be reported to a Holiday Park member of staff and a BAC committee member.


If any member wishes to pass comment on the above but is unable to attend the AGM , please make their views known to me prior to 25th Nov. by post or email ( to ensure your views are taken into account.




2 club members have expressed a desire to take the baliffing course this winter, should any others wish to have a go please contact Jim Braithwaite on ….. who will fill you in on the details.




It is the committee’s intention to instigate a survey of the river bed in beats 1-3 and the ferry during the winter, in order to establish what lies remain and to provide the basis for deciding if further lies need to be placed.


Web Site


The club web site has recently been redesigned and updated but can still be found at


Look forward to seeing you on 25th or if not I hope the coming season brings plenty of fishing gear.


Best Wishes


Paul P
