Minutes of BAC AGM Friday 29th November 2019 at the Lovat Arms Hotel.

Apologies: C Simpson, Robbie Owen, Alfie Owen, A. Buckoke, Albert Sutherland,Sue Munro, Frank Durdle.

Number Present: 16

Minutes of previous AGM; read out by Dave Sellers
Prop by Paul Pacey,
Sec by Hamish Young.

Matters Arising not on the Agenda: None.

The numbers of Day tickets were down both on the river and the Firth.

Donations for the Junior Fishers was £3,130.

Wendy told the members that next season Fishpal will not be “sponsored “ by the Government and will want £100 from the Club for them “Selling” our fishing day tickets. This year we only sold 6 tickets by Fishpal, it was agreed that we would keep using Fishpal but try to look into using our web site more “aggressively” Paul Pacey to get in touch with Fishpal to discuss this matter.

Chairwoman’s report.
Wendy reported that the numbers of Fish caught were not helped by the river going up and down in height, and yet higher up river on the Private beats there were plenty of Sea Trout and Salmon caught. The Junior Fishers went up to 30 which was a great number that Yorky Brocklehurst and others took to Orrin and Tarvie Fisheries. Yorky was assisted by Karl Brocklehurst, Hamish Young, Frank Durdle Ewan Roberston and Paul Summerlin plus parents of the youngsters. All were catching fish and several had moved on up to casting and catching trout on a Fly Rod with fly which was very good. Paul Summerlin has got some really good photos on the Clubs web site.

Hamish Young reported that the Ness & Beauly Fisheries Trust now has no staff and is being treated as a shell company. He went to the Trust’s AGM and it was over in less than half an hour. There was at this time no intention to close the Trust down.

Fishery Board.
Paul Pacey reported to the meeting that the Board proposed to have a new Fisheries Officer whose job will be 3/4 Bailiffing and a ¼ other jobs. The Board also intends to appoint a Biologist.
Smolts: This year was better but there were still Smolts trapped. In addition we still have no idea of the mortality rate of smolts during their passage through the turbines. Paul will be pushing for SSE to collect data on the effect of dams on smolt runs. Marine Scotland should also be looking at all the Hydro Dams in Scotland to see what is happening at others than just the Beauly river.

The Clubs Watten Competition was won by Loch Achonachie

Tom Mightens Cup: Hamish Young 3lb Sea Trout

Matherson Trophy Largest Salmon: 11lb Albert Sutherland

Clubs Competition at Tarvie: Paul Pacey 4lb 5 oz trout.

It was decided that we would in future have a Shield for this Competition.

Salmon 2
Grilse 6
Sea Trout 113
Finnoch 43

Election of office bearers.

Chairperson. Wendy Harpe. Prop . Paul Summerlin
Sec Ewen Robertson

Vice Chairman Paul Pacey Prop Wendy Harpe.
Sec Jim Braithwaite.

Secretary. David Sellers. Prop John Zsarkiewicz
Sec Ian Morrison

Treasurer. John Brocklehurst Prop Jim Braithwaite.
Sec Paul Summerlin.

Paul Summerlin Web site
Neil Mackenzie Competitions
Hamish Young
Jim Braithwaite

Proposals for revised rules and constitution. None.

Members Proposals None.

A O B.
Hamish Young informed the members that there will be another Fly tying event run by LAAC. He attended last October and thought it was great fun.

Downie Fishings:
Wendy has been on to Bidwells about this but it will be a week or so before she hears since they are appointing a new person who will start 1st December.

Meeting closed
The date for the AGM in 2020 is Friday 27
th November

at the Lovat Arms Hotel.


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 6th November 2019

Apologies: Jim Braithwaite, Paul Pacey.

Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, Paul Summerlin, Neil Mackenzie, John Brocklehurst.

Approval of Minutes; Prop: John Brocklehurst Sec: Paul Summerlin.

Matters Arising not on the Agenda:
The Club has not received the £3000 that was promised by SSE towards sponsorship for the Junior Fishing days out at Orrin and Tarvie fisheries. Wendy is pursuing this.

Salmon…. 2 (all released)
Grilse 6 (2 taken)
Sea Trout 89 (4 taken)
Finnock 43 (all released)
The fishing on the top 3 beats was difficult because of the height of the water. Beat 1 was too high 90% of the season. Beats 2 and 3 were also high much of the time. On beat 2 you could only get into the river at the access point 30 yds below the wooden steps and only wade out about 2 or 3 yards out from the bank. In beat 3 sometimes you could only get about 4 yards out from the seat and you had to be careful that you didn’t go out too deep.

Junior Fishings:
Yorky Brocklehurst and Wendy to get together and write a report on this season’s successful junior fishing days.
Karl Brocklehurst is going on a level 1 Coaching Course run by SANA in mid November.

The Back room at the Lovat Arms Hotel is booked for Friday 29th November.
The committee that we should have Tea / Coffee. The bill will be around £66.
We also agreed that we will have a different coloured Rules book. The only correction at this time is Dave Seller’s phone number. We would keep the laminated permits. Yorky to have his phone number on the Junior Permits which, as this year, will be a different colour to the Seniors/Senior citizens permit.

The Committee agreed that they would recommend that the prices of Permits, Day tickets etc. should be the same as 2019. However, this decision maybe changed once the audit is complete and the rent for next year known.

People should be asked at the AGM to take all papers with them when they leave.

Pollution in River Beauly from Run off:
Dave Sellers read out an email that he received from annemary.paterson@gmail.com of Ruisaurie. She wrote, ‘there is an application for two houses in the Braes and my neighbours and I feel that there is over-development especially as there is no mains drainage so there are multiple numbers of septic tanks. If you do have evidence of pollution from this perhaps you could get back to me. It would be great if you felt able to help us to object to this new proposal. I look forward to hearing from you.’

David was asked to find out which burn was she thinking may get polluted and Paul Summerlin will have a look where the houses are planned and let Dave know what he finds out and which burn may run through their area.

AOB: Neil told us that the Loch Watten Inter Club Competition next year will be on Saturday 23rd May.

Meeting closed Next Meeting: Wed 4th December 2019

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 2
nd October 2019

Apologies: None.

Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, Paul Summerlin, Neil Mackenzie, John Brocklehurst, Paul Pacey, Jim Braithwaite.

Approval of Minutes; Prop: Jim Braithwaite, Sec: Paul Pacey.

Matters Arising not on the Agenda:
The Corfe House office is still in use, Marine Scotland have workers doing Electro fishing and are using the equipment from the Corfe house buildings.

Future of NBF:
Currently NBFT is operating as a shell company with no employees and will continue to do so.

Paul Pacey reported to the committee what was proposed for the updating of the work of the BDSFB and we were also shown the proposed changes and agreed that Wendy could tell Jock Miller the committee were in agreement with their proposals.

Junior Fishings:
Yorky Brocklehurst reported that the club has approx. 30 juniors fishing the Orrin or Tarvie fisheries on a Sunday and that several are fishing with a fly rod and fly instead of a baited hook! These juniors have been tutored by Frank Durdle who is a qualified casting instructor on Single and Double handed fishing rods so this is a real step forward for the youngsters.

Last Sunday there were 7 who turned up at Tarvie Bait Loch although there had been 10 say they would be going there and Yorky had to “negotiate” with the owner over the amount he would pay for the day!!

The Club is hoping soon to be sending Karl Brocklehurst on a “coaching course”; we have the dates and hopefully will soon have the details sorted.

The Committee thanked Yorky for his very successful work with Juniors.

Wendy is still trying to extract the money promised by SSE to support our work with Juniors. This has run into trouble due to the partial closure of the NBFT.

AOB: New Car parking area, “Weeds”, Jim Braithwaite has a Pesticide /Herbicidal Licence to buy and use the correct Weed killer for this next year. It was agreed that Wendy would notify the estate that we were thinking of doing this.

Newsletter, David Sellers to send out a small newsletter to the membership with the dates for the following:-

The Last day of the Season: Tuesday 15th October.
The closing date for Returns: Thursday 31st October
The AGM: 7.30p.m Friday 29th November @ the Lovat Arms hotel

Wendy read out a letter that Ian McHardy had received from Kirkhill Primary School asking for donations for their fund raising sale.

Meeting closed Next Meeting: Wed 6th November 2019

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 4th Sept 2019

Apologies: Wendy Harpe.
Present: Dave Sellers, Paul Summerlin, Neil Mackenzie, John Brocklehurst, Paul Pacey, Jim Braithwaite.
Approval of Minutes; Prop: Paul Pacey. Sec: Jim Braithwaite.
Matters Arising not on the Agenda: None.

N B F T. Wendy had sent the letter to Jock Miller acting Chair of the Trust and Chair of the BDFB and he agreed to meet with Paul Pacey, Wendy Harpe and Hamish Young to discuss at length what he thought about our views in the letter.
He said that he agreed with the committee on some things but not all and there is a BDFT this week and Paul Pacey will attend this as the BAC representative and will be asking various questions, Corfe House, is anyone using this building as it should be closed now , and who has the Red Pickup it also should not be being used but it has been seen about the area. Paul to report back at next Meeting.

Young People Fishing Days:15 children turned up with their parents at Orrin Fishery, there were 3 fishers with the same weight of Trout so thebadge for the winner wasn’t given this time.
There’s another day out a week on Sunday on the 15th Sept at Tarvie. Yorky said that he is getting a lot of young ones and thought that he may have to split them into 2 groups of say 10 one Sunday and 10 another Sunday.
He had been up to a small lochan at Auchmore but thought it was a bit awkward to get there in a car up the Farm track and wasn’t suitable for the youngsters to fish.
So the next dates for the Youngsters are: Tarvie Sunday 15th September
                                                           Orrin Fishery Sunday 29th September.

New Parking Area Lovat Bridge.:Weeds are coming up there, so it was decided that we would have a word with Lovat Estates next Spring about possible weed killing with the “correct” Solution.!

BAC Web site. Paul Summerlin to have a look at some of the things on the web pages that may need freshening up.

Meeting closed Next Meeting Wed 2nd October 2019.

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 7
th August 2019
Apologies: Jim Braithwaite

Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, Paul Summerlin, Neil Mackenzie, John Brocklehurst, Paul Pacey, and Hamish Young.
Approval of Minutes; Prop: Wendy Harpe. Sec: Paul Summerlin.

1. Matters Arising not on the Agenda: Loch Achonachie A.C. Competition.:- Assynt Lochs Competition on the 7th of September.

2. NBFT: Hamish Young our representative on the NBFT has attended this meeting to help the committee understand what the last Trust meeting decided to do about the difficulties it faced and why it was put in a “Shell” state.
Wendy, Paul Pacey and Hamish had met last week to draft a letter to be sent to both the Fishery Board and the Trust. The letter was circulated to the Committee for comment. After much” Chewing the Fat” it was decided that Wendy would put in an extra sentence in between the first paragraph ending with “suited to current demands” and the Second one starting ”The following is BAC’s view”.
All the remainder of the letter will remain the same. The letter will be sent to Jock Miller as both
Acting Chair of the Trust and Chair of BDFB. The letter will be signed by Wendy, Paul and Hamish on behalf of BAC.

3. Young People Fish Days: Yorky had the youngsters at the Orrin last Sunday the 4th, 11 turned up for a good fishing experience.
For the first time the fish caught were weighed and the one with the largest fish got a BAC Badge.
Yorky is hoping to have another Sunday afternoon fishing on Sunday 25th August commencing at 1pm until 4pm at Orrin again.
He said that he was hoping to have another 2 Sundays in September, one at Tarvie fishery and one at the Orrin.

4. AOB: Fellow BAC member Iain Morrison had a heart attack this Monday and Committee member Jim Braithwaite is going into the Raigmore hospital this week also for an operation, Dave Sellers to get and send them both a “Get well soon” Cards.

Meeting closed Next Meeting Wed 4th September.

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 3
rd July 2019

Apologies: Jim Braithwaite In Hospital
Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, Paul Pacey, Paul Summerlin, Neil Mackenzie, John Brocklehurst, Hamish Young (BAC rep. on River Trust).
Approval of Minutes; Prop: Wendy Harpe. Sec: Paul Pacey.
Matters Arising not on the Agenda:
The Clubs Car Park over the far side of Lovat Bridge, is being used regularly by members and seems to be working nicely.

The first part of the meeting was devoted to discussing The Trust and the Fishery Board and the proposals for staffing the Trust. Currently the trust has no staff since Diego has left and Chris Daphney has a new job on the Ness. At the end of the discussion it was decided that Paul, Wendy and Hamish should produce a letter to both the Board and the Trust outlining our view of the future and what we would like to happen.

Paul Pacey told the meeting that there are reports of smolts getting damaged by brushes in the turbines. SSE looking into this.

Hamish told the meeting that the information he has read about the number of Birds legally “killed or scared” under the 2018 Licence were on the Syndicate waters whereas in the Bird Count 2019 the majority of birds were above the dams. Hamish to raise this with the Trust.

Junior Fishings:
Wendy Harpe has been in touch with Alastair Stephen SSE and the committee was given copies of the emails between them and Alastair has promised Wendy that SSE will cover the next 3 years with a £3000 payment for the Junior Fishing. The committee thanked Alastair Stephen and SSE

Yorky reported that the day at Tarvie bait loch on Sunday 30th June had 9 juniors all with a parent in attendance cost £108 @ £12/head. The next would be at Orrin Fishery on either 21st or 28th July.

Bank Clearance
Jim B had done strimming, and John Szarkiewicz had began the work on creating the steps etc. on the Beauly side of beat 1. Jim was supposed to be working with him but had gone to hospital. There was still a fair amount to do. Paul Summerlin said he would help.
Yorky did some strimming at the Mealloch bank Also he noted that there was no Warning sign there at the overhead wires so he is getting some from SSE. He also was promised as much rope as he needs for Wester Lovat from Hamish.

AOB: Inter Club Competition at Watten on 20th July is Fully booked.
Yorky suggested that the Juniors could have as a “winners trophy” a Club Badge at the junior days fishing.

Meeting closed Next Meeting: Wed 7th AUGUST
Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 5
th June 2019.
Apologies: Nil.
Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers Paul Summerlin, Paul Pacey, Jim Braithwaite, Neil Mackenzie, Yorky Brocklehurst.
Approval of Minutes : Prop. Wendy Harpe, Sec. Paul Summerlin.

Matters arising not on Agenda:
Competitions: Senior Competition is at Tarvie Loch on Saturday 22nd of June.

Inter-Club Competition is at Loch Watten on Saturday 20th of July.
B.A.C had a team of 3 fishing at Loch Achonachy AC comp at Loch Shin on Saturday 1st June, it was not a good day for Jim Braithwaite, Neil Mackenzie and Frank Durdle. The fish were not taking and one competing angler had an alarming moment that could have been very bad indeed!! While wading in the shallows the angler suddenly found himself stepping into a hole in the loch floor and went from waist deep to up to his neck. He managed to get back to the bank and was assisted out of his wet cloths and fortunately his mobile and car keys were in a water-proof bag and he went and sat in the car with the heating on to dry out. A salutary tale for All anglers when wading!!

Junior Fishings-: dates and money.

There were only 5 juniors fishing at Orrin Fishery on Sunday 12th May, but all caught plenty of trout, the lowest number caught by an individual Junior was 8 fish!! All the others had double figures so they were all pleased. Nevertheless, the fact that people said they would be coming and then did not turn up needs to be dealt with. Yorky will speak to the parents on this subject.

Yorky has been to see the Tarvie fishery owners about the fishing for the Juniors on Sunday 30th June to see how many would be allowed to fish the bait Loch. T he Committee thought that 10 juniors would be an ideal number for Yorky to book for the event.

Sponsorship, Wendy is going to speak to Alastair Stephen of SSE about giving the Club some sponsorship. BAC will be paying at least £1000 a year for the Junior Fishings, and whilst it is good to get individual donations, we really need a 3 year sponsorship. Hopefully SSE, who have a record of sponsoring community initiatives, will feel they can sponsor us.

Smolts & NBFT, Public Interest: Wendy gave all the committee a copy of Hamish’s report of the NBFT Meeting that he attended on the 9th May at Lovat Arms; his next meeting will be in July.

Bird Counts, we don’t seem to have a comprehensive answer from Chris Conroy and we do need clarity as to what happened in 2018! And what will happen in 2019.

Finally SSE is supposed to be donating £20.000 to the River Beauly “Where is it” and who is going to be allocating this and to whom!!

It was decided to invite Hamish to the next Committee Meeting to discuss NBFT.

Bank Clearance:.

The stile at the “Beauly side” of the Lovat Bridge to access the left bank of Beat 1 of the Clubs water has not been done yet as the bad weather has hindered Jim Braithwaite and John Szarkiewicz from getting the stile fixed. They will get it done ASAP, and have all the materials for it, when the weather is fine.

Yorky & Karl are yet to strim at the Mealloch and put up the signs at Wester Balblair


The New Members Car Park at the left side of the Lovat bridge, the Notices and the Yellow cone that Paul and Dave have put at the gate seem to have worked!

Meeting ended

Next Meeting Wednesday 3rd July 2019

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 1
st May 2019

Apologies: Jim Braithwaite.

Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, Paul Summerlin, Neil Mackenzie, John Brocklehurst, Paul Pacey.

Approval of Minutes; Prop: Paul Pacey. Sec: Neil Mackenzie.

Matters Arising not on the Agenda.:

Competitions : The Seniors: – Yorky is due to visit Tarvie and will check cost etc. and liaise with Neil.

Bird Count: Wendy handed us all copies of emails between herself and Diago and a final e-mail from Chris Conroy. Basically, prior to the Bird Count there was no real knowledge of what had happened re. the licence obtained after the Bird Count in 2018. Indeed, it seemed possible that no or little action had been taken.
The Bird Count is part of NBFT work programme, however it is not BAC’s role to help carry out that programme unless members are convinced that to do so has some point. So, at the very least we would expect to be kept informed of the result of the Count and what action followed from it. Something that did not happen in terms of the 2018 Count. The 2019 Bird count involved 8 Beauly Angling club members each spending around 3 hours which adds up to 24 hours work.

It is of course not NBFT responsibility to manage the Beauly system, this is the responsibility of the Fishery Board and Diego offered, prior to the Count, that he would organise a meeting with Bidwells so that the situation could be reviewed. It was on that basis we went ahead with the Count but it has not happened.

Junior Fishings: – Dave Sellers thanked Wendy for the latest List of Members that she sent him last week, and he was able to send about 20 extra copies of the latest Newsletter via the post to the young members. Yorky reported on progress on obtaining renewal forms from the Juniors – currently around 12 have signed up.
Wendy told the meeting that the Cost to the Club for 2019 would be around 1k. This would include about £120 / £150 to send Karl Brocklehurst on a weekend Coaching Course. And a further £50 for the Disclosure Scotland check for both Karl & Yorky. Wendy to start applying for sponsorship for the Junior Fishings.

New date for Junior day at Orrin Fishery, due to the weather delaying the bank clearance at Orrin. The Fishing will now be on Sunday 12th May. Yorky and Wendy will be meeting before then to check how many will be going to the event.

Yorky will check on his visit to Tarvie the availability on the Bait Loch for the youngsters.

Downie Fishings Dave Sellers handed over the Downie Syndicate money to Club Treasurer Yorky.

Bank Clearance: The burning of rubbish and brushwood at Orrin continues this week. Work at Wester Lovat and the Mealloch will be done before the next Committee meeting. Jim Braithwaite & John Szarkiewicz have met and discussed the stile – this will be done during May.

AOB: New Car park, there has been a SUV parked outside the Gate blocking Anglers from parking in the New car park. The Club to get a NO PARKING by this gate Cone or ‘Please do not block the gate’ sign plus ” this car park is for Beauly Angling Club Members only” sign. Paul Summerlin thinks he might have a sign which would do.

Meeting closed Next Meeting Wed 5th June. 2019

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 5
th April 2019

Apologies: Paul Pacey

Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, Jim Braithwaite, Paul Summerlin, Neil Mackenzie, John Brocklehurst.

Approval of Minutes; Prop: Wendy Harpe. Sec: Jim Braithwaite.

Matters Arising not on the Agenda.:

Competitions: The Seniors:-
Competition will hopefully take place at Tarvie Lochs on Saturday 22nd June, with the Club booking 6 boats. Yorky is due to visit Tarvie and will check cost etc. and liaise with Neil. Any Club member who would like to take part should contact Neil.

The Inter Club Competition:-
at Loch Watten on Saturday 20th July. Anyone wanting to take part should contact Neil.

Loch Achonachie A.C. Competitions:-
a) at Loch Shin is on Saturday 1st June. b) Assynt Lochs Competition on the 7th or 8th of September. Neil to confirm dates.

Wendy has changed the Club’s insurance providers. The new insurance policy starts the 1st of April and is with Mead Sport And Leisure Ltd.

Bird Count:
Last year as a result of a request from Nick Barker the Club helped the NBFT with the Bird Count on the River Beauly /Glass and Farrer, and this resulted in a licence to cull 12 Sawbills and 1 Cormaront as against 2 birds in the 2017 licence. But as far as anyone knows the license has not resulted in culling of birds nor has a bird scaring system been put in place. This has raised the issue as to whether the Club should take part in the count. Wendy is talking to Paul Pacey and Diego. If it takes place it will happen on is Thursday 11th April. Wendy/ John Szarkiwicz/Paul Summerlin, Ewen /Ian Morrison; Yorky / Jim and Henry Bain are doing it.

Downie Fishings
Dave Sellers reported that he is already receiving payments from those who fished it and hopes to pass the full amount to The Treasurer by the next meeting.

Wendy asked Yorky Brocklehurst if he would go down to the Downie Beats next week on a daily basis and see if anyone was fishing the river. This will help us in our discussion with Bidwells as to why we cannot fish the Downie for the 1st 2 weeks of April. Also see if the SEAL /S are still swimming up the river. One was often there during our weeks.

Junior Fishings.
Yorky and friends have been cutting back the scrub around the Orrin so as to provide a better fishing experience. After discussion it was thought that with luck we will start the Junior Fishings on 5th May

In the meantime Wendy & Yorky to chase the families who haven’t re-joined the club yet. So far 11 juniors that have sent in forms .

Bank Clearance:
Yorky has already got signs for various beats and a Hand rail and Rope for Wester Lovat which will be put in place for accessing the river by the stone bank. 2 of the signs are for the Mealloch Beat, anglers who fish this beat and have walked along the path under the iron railway bridge, through the woodland and then on the path beside the field will then find the 2 new signs. Yorky will be putting a sign where the overhead cables traverse the river and then the other sign which will be at the starting point of the Mealloch Beat near to where the” big old tree” used to be. Once the Orrin scrub has been dealt with, he will start on the rest. Meanwhile John & Jim need to get together to resurrect the stile on the Beauly side of Beat 1

AOB: None.

Meeting closed Next Meeting Wed 1st May

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 6
th March 2019

Apologies: Paul Pacey, Jim Braithwaite..

Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Neil Mackenzie, Paul Summerlin.

Approval of minutes:- Prop. John Brocklehurst , Sec. Neil Mackenzie.

Matters Arising Not on the Agenda:-

Exchange Tickets, Wendy told the meeting that the Loch Achonachie.AC permits have NOT yet arrived but all the others have been received . Wendy has apologised to Inverurie AA for the delay due to the lateness of the Rule Booklet’s printing . .

Opening Day: This was a very successful event with plenty of members and youngsters in attendance. Thanks also to the ladies who produced the food; sausage rolls, cake and shortbread. Our 13year old Piper Niall Bolger was a great new surprise, he was immaculately turned out and played superbly and has also joined the club as a new Junior member. The Press and Journal had sent a photographer – Yorky and Jim Braithwaite had their picture in the Monday edition of the paper. Dave Sellers sent photos via email to the Inverness Courier and they printed one of the Piper and Wendy at the riverside in their Tuesday edition. Dave also sent some to the Glen Ord distillery showing their banner outside the fishing hut. They remarked that the photos were great when David took back the Banner last week. He thanked them for donating the bottle of Malt for Toasting the river.

Bird Count:- Dave Sellers sent out an email with a request for assistance for the Ness and Beauly Fisheries Trust with the Bird Count this year. Dave will also send out a copy to the NON email Members via the post-office. The meeting is on Friday 15th

Permit:- Wendy has got the Rules Booklet’s back from the printers and will hand out them whenever she is at the riverside or if members call for their renewed Permits at her home.

Downie Fishing:-There are Seatrout about but are not taking . Dave is going to give Wendy a list of the Names of the Downie Fishers for her to send this to Joanna Paul at Bidwells and ask her about the fishings extending into April.

Junior Fishings Duty of Care:- At last year’s 3 outings the youngsters all had a relative with them and therefore did not need anyone else to be responsible for them. However the Club has to be able to provide supervision in case youngsters turn up by themselves. This means having people who are police checked. Wendy already is but it was decided to ask Karl Brocklehurst whether he would mind being checked since he attended all 3 events. In addition, we need a first aider so we will check whether any members are already qualified. Neil Mackenzie will provide a new first aid kit for the Junior fishings. Wendy will also be looking to see if she can get a copy of the Scottish Duty of Care .as we only have the English/Welsh/Ireland edition that Paul Pacey sent to Wendy.

We need to get more people qualified as casting instructors.

Bank Clearance:- Yorky has done a survey and has made some signs for the Mealloch, and Wester Lovat beats. Ewen Robertson has cut up a fallen tree down at the Ferry. Yorky has got the strimmer serviced, and Neil also will service the Clubs Outboard motor too. Need to check with Jim Braithwaite and John Szarkiewicz about access to the other bank of Beat One.

AOB:- following her meeting with Peter Sinclair Knipe, Wendy has e-mailed him to outline the Committees response to possible fishings on the Glass. She has not yet received a reply.

Next Meeting Wednesday 3rd April 2019


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 6th February 2019.

Apologies: Nil.

Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers Paul Summerlin, Paul Pacey, Jim Braithwaite, Neil Mackenzie, Yorky Brocklehurst.

Approval of Minutes : Prop. Paul Summerlin. Sec. Jim Braithwaite.

Matters arising not on Agenda:

Paul Pacey’s report on the Fishery board’s meeting in December2018.
Paul said he would try and tell the meeting as much as he could in 15mins Poaching: there were 5 people apprehended for illegally fishing above the Kilmorack Dam area by the Bailiffs. To date three resulted in prosecutions.

Non Native Species:The Trust are pursuing a new initiative to target both flaura and fauna NNS and asked the Board for input, volunteers needed to carry out most of the work. Paul told the Board that he thought they were putting too much effort into this to the detriment of other more important initiatives. The problem is that there is money for the NNS initiative and therefore this is given priority.
There may be another “Bird Count” in 2019 as the last one done 6 months ago was well carried out by all those who volunteered for this and resulted in an increase of the number of birds to be culled.

The Smolts – Paul said that SSE are working to ensure there will be no more trapped smolts – however he thinks that SSE are not moving fast enough on work to look at the effect of turbine speeds on smolt mortality. Chris Conroy of the Trust had reached agreement with SSE that they would undertake a desktop review of all literature surrounding smolt passage through turbines. It appears that SSE are stalling on this issue. PP pressed Board not to let up pressure on this most important issue. SSE view is that rate of return of Beauly fish same as other rivers without turbines therefore turbines cannot be much of a problem. PP regards this a somewhat glib response.
PP pressed for firm timetable of this review. Nothing as yet.
SSE aware that as a result of historic compensation agreements with former fishery owners less resources are available on the Beauly compared to other rivers such as Ness who receive an annual sum. SSE propose to donate an annual sum to (the Trust?) to rectify this situation as long as it is directed at agreed specific projects. A sum of £20000 had been discussed.
Board discussion took place on proposed (By Trust) new structure for Trust to deliver management plan. PP raised 2 issues, that little meaningful action on the ground in terms of river improvement, what are we paying for? Secondly it appears money may be siphoned off to Ness system.

A new Fishery Management plan has to be brought forward in 2019.

The Lease:
Wendy has had a good chat with Iain at Lovat Estates and came back to the Committee with the Draft of the New Lease and this was passed and the Club will pay Lovat estate the amount agreed at the end of this season.

The Permit:
Wendy has produced the rules to go into the New BAC booklet and also the office bearers but we still do not have confirmation on the River category.

Opening Celebration:
Food:- Sausage rolls Yorky sorting these and then passing on to Paul Summerlin .
Dave Sellers is picking up a bottle of Singleton Malt donated from the Ord Distillery and a Banner for the photos outside the Fishing hut.
Dave to check with the Inverness Courier, Highland News and North Star and Press and Journal. Yorky to contact the Piper. Wendy said that she would do a Press Release.

Newsletter:Feb 2019
Dave to send this out before start of season ( Monday 11th Feb), Wendy to send Dave an the final draft with an “add on” about E-mail members to ask them if they are happy or not for the club to keep their e-mail address and use it as it does at present.

Lochs and Loch Fada:
The club has lost Loch Fada, since the Erchless Estate has invested money in trees etc. and want to protect their investment. Wendy has spoken to Peter Sinclair Knipe about other Loch fishing and what they might offer on the Glass. She is due to get back to him.

New Parking for the BAC ONLY next to Lovat Bridge, the Lock code can be given to members by Wendy. Members should display BAC car stickers.
The combination for the key box at the Downie hut can also be given to them by Dave or Wendy

Meeting ended

Next Meeting Wednesday 6th March

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 9th January 2019

Apologies: Nil.

Present:  Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Neil Mackenzie, Paul Summerlin., Jim Braithwaite

Approval of minutes:- Prop. Jim Braithwaite Sec Neil Mackenzie.

Matters Arising Not on the Agenda:-

Loch Fada. Wendy has heard from Erchless estates, and will meet up with Peter Sinclair-Knipe on Friday 25th January.

Parking at the Dutch Barn, It is not possible to park your car here anymore as its Out of Bounds. The Lovat |Estate has closed it down due to the huge number of “Dog Walkers “ using it, and there have been vehicles including a large coach driving up to the House by the Groam Beat and tourists photographing Lord Lovat’s house Wendy has heard that Lovat Estates are trying to find a Parking area exclusive to the Angling club.

Rent and Lease:- The Committee was given a copy of the letter that Wendy sent to Lovat Estate to read. The Committee discussed the new rateable and the rent. Wendy hopes to be meeting with Iain Sutherland in the near future.

Junior Fishings:- Wendy and Yorky had sent All the Junior members and their parents Christmas Cards along with renewal forms for the 2019 season.

Bank Clearance:-

Yorky told the meeting that at Wester Lovat it needs a hand rail and rope to assist getting down the bank to the waters edge, hopefully this will be seen to by the start of the new season. He also said that he and Karl Brocklehurst will be going to Mealloch Beat and cut back the brambles and ask about a New access from the gate near Teewig farm. Wendy reported that access down the bank to Beat 1 on the Beauly side needs replacing. Hopefully Jim Braithwaite and john Szarkiewicz will sort this.

Permits and Rules.:

Wendy again showed the meeting the exchange Permit for Inverness AC 2019, she said that BAC would probably get one very similar to this. It was decided that the card part should contain all the info that doesn’t change much from year to year printed in a couple of colours. The white paper insert will contain all the rules which do tend to change ands anything else we think necessary. The constitution will go onto our web site for 2019

Salmon. The Early part of the season from Opening Day 11th Feb to 30th of June May well be Catch and Release since springers are now running into June.

Sea Trout . ALL fish below ¾ lb to be released. ALL fish above 3lbs to be released, Fishers allowed to keep 2 per week and a bag limit of 6 fish per person per season.

A.O.B: Opening celebration:- will be at the Downie Beat Hut again on the Saturday 16th February at 11am Yorky to arrange the Piper, and the Sausage rolls along with Paul Summerlin. Dave Sellers has contacted the Ord Distillery about a Free bottle of Singleton Malt to toast the river with John Szarkiewicz to be asked if he would take some photos that we can send to the P & J and the Inverness Courier. Wendy to contact Bidwells to let them know we are proposing to do this.

Data protection,   Hamish Young has sent an email to the committee about this. The Club does send out e-mails to everyone who has provided an e-mail address. In data protection concerns we need to check that everyone is happy with this. Dave to do this.

Competitions;- Neil to ring the owner of Loch Watten about possible dates for the Club to organise the Inter club Competition.

Meeting Ended. Next meeting Wed Feb 6th