Committee Meeting Minutes and AGM:

          Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 5th December 2018

Apologies: Nil.

Present:  Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Neil Mackenzie, Paul Summerlin, Paul Pacey, Jim Braithwaite

Approval of minutes:- Prop.. Paul Summerlin. Sec Paul Pacey.
Matters Arising Not on the Agenda:-

Jim Braithwaite was working on the night of the AGM so could not attend. Wendy proposed co-opting Jim onto the committee.
John Brocklehurst was confirmed as Treasurer at this meeting after not be able to attend the AGM.

The Clubs representative on the Beauly River Trust will change, as Jim Braithwaite told the Committee last meeting that he would be standing down at the next AGM. The new representative will be Hamish Young.

Rules:- These are the changes for 2019.

Rule No 2: This will not be known until the government notify all rivers of their category .

Rule No 7: Whether fishing on club waters or other waters, Members are liable for any damage they cause, the Club will not be held responsible or liable for any costs in this respect.

Rule No 8: Competitions- any member booking a place as a member of BAC in a competition is due to pay for that space unless they give a weeks notice of not being able to attend or find a replacement.

Rule No 15: Bass, Sea Bass this Changes regularly so members should check the current rules before fishing the Firth. Catch and release of all Bass is encouraged by the Committee.

Newsletter:- This was reviewed by the Committee – we decided on slightly different weights/size of Sea Trouts to be taken or returned. Paul will notify the Board of this. Wendy to send to Dave Sellers to send it out as soon as she has the finished it.

Loch Fada:- Wendy had contacted the new factors to ask for a new lease. However they do not wish to do this as they do not wish ANYONE to fish this loch anymore. This is not because of anything the Club has done but because the owners have invested in trees and want to offer them maximum protection. Yorky to take down the Returns Box from beside the gate. Neil and Paul P to explore possible alternatives. Wendy is meeting with the Factors in December.

Lease /Rent:- Before Wendy goes to see Lovat Estates about the lease, she is looking at the No of Fishers who are not fishing the BHP beats (1,2 &3) due to abuse and having to pay for parking and not wishing to have the long walk from the “Dutch Barn” over the other side of the Lovat Bridge, the New owner removed the BAC parking and charges for parking in the Holiday Park. Lack of fish in the river and hardly any parking at the ferry beat unless you have a 4×4 are also limiting the fishing opportunities. The club will hope to get the rateable value re-accessed.

Young people fish days:-

The Club hopes to be having approx 6 outings in 2019.

Junior Members will get a Green Laminated Membership Card 2019. We will be sending out Christmas Cards next week.

Bank Clearance:- As mentioned at the October meeting, Yorky and Karl Brocklehurst had spent a good few hours one Sunday at Tarradale, Tomich Burn and below Barnyards at the heavy growth on the bank of the estuary. They finally finished up at the opposite bank at Wester Lovat as ALL the other places were too overgrown to be cleared by just the two of them. They managed to clear a path to the bank there but said that it needs a hand rail and rope to assist getting down the bank to the water’s edge. It was agreed that we will plan to do bank clearing early in the 2019 season.

Permits: These will come in 2 parts – a laminated card and a booklet. Wendy showed the meeting the exchange Permit for Inverness AC 2018, she said that BAC would probably get one very similar to this one but with a little less info, as the constitution will go into our web site for 2019 .

Ian MacHardy wanted a key for the Ferry – but the Committee decided that this was not possible because of the nature of the key.


A.O.B:   Paul Pacey will give his report of yesterday’s River Board AGM to the Committee at the first meeting in January .

Dave Sellers to let all of the committee members know the dates of ALL 2019 Committee meetings.

Meeting Ended

Next Meeting:  Wednesday 9th January 2019

Minutes of BAC AGM Friday 23rd Nov 2018 at Lovat Arms Hotel

Number Present : 14

1: Apologies: Charlie Simpson, Albert Sutherland, Andrew Buckoke, Iain Morrison.

2: Minutes of previous AGM:- read out by Secretary Dave Sellers.

Prop..J Szarkiewicz,.Sec. Paul Pacey.

3: Matters Arising : see later in Chairpersons report.

4: Accounts: read out by Chairperson Wendy Harpe: Day Tickets used were down, with only 26 sold compared with last year of 46 sold.

          Firth Tickets were even worse with only 7 sold (£315 compared to £595 last year).

Income from Membership was down by £800 (£3090 to £3860), there was a very slight increase in donations (£833 compared to £758).

Permits: These were down with Senior Members @ 41, down by 12 Less than last year and this had only 4 new members which is the lowest for some time.
Juniors 22. This is almost entirely down to the Junior Fishing Days and is great to see; but it costs money and brings in very little.   It may well be
worth considering fund raising for these events.
Intermediate members only 1.
Associate Members , None.
Membership. In terms of paying Seniors is still declining. It is hoped that it might improve with a change of Category !!
Prop by Frank Durdle.   Sec by John Szarkiewicz.

5: Chairpersons Report: Wendy Harpe told the members that we are in talks with Lovat Estates about the New lease, hopefully this will be tied down in the next week or so.

Re Junior Members, she thanked Yorky Brocklehurst for the work he has put in organising 3 fishing events at the Orrin Fishery near Muir of Ord. The Club paid to stock the loch, Yorky recruited the youngsters. As a result of his work 22 young people took part over the 3 days. The young people were able to fish with bubble floats and sweet corn for bait.   All the young people caught fish. It is our intention to run more such events during 2019 including other venues as well as Orrin.

Smolts, Wendy said that she had sent out a newsletter on progress and she asked Paul Pacey to Update the meeting on progress. There are two problems facing the smolts as they migrate down river a) getting trapped in the dams. b) being killed by the turbines.  Paul gave a clear summary on what had happened re the trapped smolts – it seems likely that SSE will have put in measures to prevent this happening in 2019. The turbines and smolt mortality is more problematic. Currently there is a lack of information as to what is happening. However what little info we have would seem to tell us that at higher speeds the smolts go through safely at lower speeds they don’t. The way forward would seem to be to collect information from wherever it exists and then Fishery Boards, SEPA, SSE etc. can decide on the next steps.

Celts: The meeting raised the issue of Celts not getting over the dam. Paul understands that the problem of Celts not getting back to sea is due to the Hydro Dams being “Switched on and Off “ from PERTH. This is very different from when the “Locals” who were often BAC members worked on the Dams, and who saw when the Celts were trying to get down the river and allowed them to get downstream. It was agreed that Paul would find a number that anyone spotting a stranded Celt could contact them.

        The Downie Beats: Wendy has been in contact with Bidwells about this early season fishing that we have had for the past 4 years, and she reported that we have got it again. The “ Extra” 2 weeks at the start of April that she asked if we could have, cannot be given to us until people who have that month have told Bidwells that they will NOT be fishing the beats, then we may be able to Fish it .

         Loch Fada: Wendy is waiting to hear back from Erchless Estates.

         Permits: Members will again get a Laminated card and we are going back to a small booklet similar to the one we had before but with less paperwork! Some of the members complained that they don’t wish to have to carry a load of paperwork with them when they are fishing and a lot of them lost the page for their RETURNS .

Prop by Dave Sellers   Sec by Paul Pacey.

6: Competitions, Prizes and Returns.

          Tom Mightens Cup ( Largest Sea Trout).   2lbs each.

Shared between Charlie Simpson and Mike McDonald

         Matheson Trophy (Largest Salmon)         7lbs each

Shared between   Albert Sutherland, Frank Durdle , John Szarkiewicz

          Watten Competition. The Frank Durdle Trophy: Best Boat   Messrs J Braithwaite/ David Scovell shared.

The McWhinney Memorial Cup: Best Bag Jim Braithwaite

Returns: Salmon and Grilse   12 fish

Sea Trout             7

Finnoch           129

7: Election of office bearers:

Chairperson:   Wendy Harpe.       PROP   Frank Durdle     SEC.   Ewen Robertson

Vice Chairperson: Paul Pacey.       PROP Wendy Harpe    SEC Frank Durdle.

Secretary            David Sellers        PROP Ewen Robertson   SEC     John Szarkiewicz

Treasurer           John Brocklehurst  PROP David Sellers     SEC   Lee Martin

Committee         Neil Mackenzie
Paul Summerlin

8: Proposals for Revised Rules and Constitution:

Rule 2 to be amended when we know what Category the river is to be!

Rule 7 Whether fishing on club waters or other waters, members are liable for any damage they cause, the club will not be held responsible or liable for any costs in this respect.

Rule 8. Competitions. Any member booking a place as a member of BAC in a competition is due to pay for the space unless they give a week’s notice of not being able to attend or find a replacement.

Rule 15 BASS. The rules around this are changing regularly so members should check the current rules before fishing the Firth. Catch and Release of all Bass is encouraged by the committee.

9: Members Proposals: That there should be a “Concessions rate for Senior Citizens OVER 65 years of age. “ Suggested cost of £35

Put to Vote and YES was Passed .

10: Ness and Beauly Fishery Trust Feedback: Diago spoke to the meeting for 5 mins or so about the projects that they (N&BFT) are working on at the moment. That is Non-Native plant Species – Mink Traps, Grey Herons, Sawbills and Cormorants etc. .

11. AOB :   Bank work, The committee will look into this early in the Spring.
Pike in the river system , Mike Fabling, a keen Pike Fisher, said that he would think it is better to leave them alone as the Bigger Pike keep the numbers down by eating the small ones and if you Cull the “DADDY” ones there will be more little ones trying to eat as many small trout, smolts and finnoch as they can.

Meeting Closed

Next Years AGM Friday 29th November 2019

Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 7th November 2018

Apologies: Nil.

Present:  Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Neil Mackenzie, Paul Summerlin. Paul Pacey, Jim Braithwaite.

Approval of minutes: Prop: Jim Braithwaite, Sec: Paul Summerlin.

Matters Arising Not on the Agenda:-

Wendy and Paul Pacey have decided to leave asking our MSP Kate Forbes to speak to SSE and SEPA about the Smolt problem. We will hold off so as to give SSE & SEPA time to come up with a time line for gathering information on smolts, turbines and mortality.

The meeting with Ian Shephard (Lovat Estate) has been postponed until maybe next week.

Alan Hill, Dundonnell Mountain Rescue, Dave Sellers has replied to Alan about the access to Loch Fada Gates ,and has told them to get in touch with Erchless Estate they have the “Keys” etc for there we only have the combination for the bottom gate and Alan Hill already had that from the Club

New Lease. Dave Sellers handed out copies of the Draft of the new lease sent to Wendy by Lovat Estates, Paul Pacey said that he would like to look into the new “Valuation” Both Paul and Jim Braithewaite thought that the new rateable value might well impact on the rent.   Paul to get back to Wendy after he has read it fully and let her know if there is anything that might want a change of wording and what the impact of the new rateable value might be.

Smolts-any further action. Paul Pacey told the meeting that the River Board will be having a meeting early in December and the Smolts will definitely be discussed.

Jim Braithwaite will ask at the next Trust meeting if they could get a grant for more work “bringing on” smolts. Perhaps they could get smolts into tanks “Above the Dams and treat them carefully for say 2 weeks and then release them into the river below the dams thus “missing out the losses” in the Turbines.

Permits and Rules. John Szarkiewicz is going to print out the members laminated cards similar to this years but will do the Juniors in a different colour.
We will have a booklet rules etc. This is because the current system is time consuming to whoever does the membership, and does not make it easy for fishers to check the rules when on the river. Wendy is getting a price for these from printers.

We will not include the Constitution in the Permit – this will be available on the website.

Accounts. Wendy presented the committee with the draft of the accounts and it was noted that there was a loss of £235 .00.

Fishing Returns.

Salmon = 12   Heaviest Fish 7lbs   (3) Joint winners  Albert Sutherland, Frank Durdle, & John Szarkiewicz.

Sea Trout = 7   Heaviest Fish 2lb     (2) Joint Winners Charlie Simpson, Mike Macdonald.

Finnoch   129                        

 Interclub Competition Loch Watten

Best Boat     Jim Braithwaite & David Scovell

Heaviest Fish     Jim Braithwaite


Loch Fada Lease. Ian McHardy has faxed Erchless Estate, asked them to reply about the Clubs use of Loch Fada. It was suggested that Wendy Harpe should get in touch with the Erchless estate and find out what the situation is with the Club’s right to fish the loch ?

Juniors Fishing.   SPONSORSHIP ?

It cost the club £450 this year for the 3 Junior Days fishing /Stocking etc at Orrin Fishery. The club needs to keep up taking the Children to these events as it is getting more of them interested in fishing and they are the NEXT full members .But the Committee is hoping to have 5or 6 days next year for the youngsters which would cost about a 1K so ideally we should find a sponsor.

Possibly SSE or some local charity.   Wendy to explore.

Clubs representative on the Trust, Jim Braithwaite is looking at exiting due to work commitments. Wendy is having dialog with Lee Martin and John Szarkiewicz about this.

Meeting Closed

AGM Friday 23rd November 7.30pm prompt

At The Lovat Arms Hotel Beauly

Dave Sellers to send out an Email in a weeks time to jog a few memories .
Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 3rd October 2018

Apologies: Nil.

Present:  Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Neil Mackenzie, Paul Summerlin.

 Approval of minutes:- Prop..Wendy Harpe.Sec. Neil Mackenzie.

 Matters Arising Not on the Agenda:-

Wendy has send both Ian McHardy and Duncan Fraser, a letter telling them both that they owe BAC £25 each for the breakage of the Oar whilst fishing at Loch Watten. She explained to them that they were responsible as it says in the Clubs members rules.

The Clubs representative on the Beauly River Trust, Jim Braithwaite told the Committee last meeting that he would be standing down at the next AGM and the committee asked Wendy if she would ask John Szarkiewicz if he would be interested in taking it on! She reported that John said that he may take it on but that she should first have a word with Lee Martin and ask if he would consider doing it.

Young People fish days: Wendy has asked Chris Daphnie about why BAC had not received the £100 that had been promised as a contribution to the costs of the Junior fishing days. He said that he had submitted the Invoice but was not sure if they had received the Grant yet. He said that the club would receive it.

Wendy also informed Chris that Yorky had located his youngsters – he was pleased that they had made the latest Young People’s Fishing day.

It was decided that we would send Christmas cards to all the Youngsters wo had attended the event. Yorky & Wendy to organise.

Wendy suggested that we should make a list of the Sundays that the Club will likely be having specifically for the Young People at either Orrin or Tarvie Bait lochs. Yorky felt that the current system worked well and did not think we should commit dates too far in advance. Wendy and Yorky to get together and perhaps suggest perhaps 6 or 7 Sundays so we can put this to the AGM in November.

Bank work: Yorky and Karl Brocklehurst spent a good few hours looking at Tarradale, Tomich Burn and below Barnyards at the heavy growth on the bank of the estuary, They finally finished up at the opposite bank at Wester Lovat as ALL the other places were too overgrown to be cleared by just the two of them. Yorky cleared a path to the bank at Wester Lovat but said that there needs to be a hand rail and a rope to assist getting down to the waters edge, this will be seen to by the start of the 2019 season.

Mealloch, sadly Mike Macdonald hasn’t got down there due to a bad back so we will have to “attack” this early next season!!

The Smolts and SEPA: Wendy received a reply to her letter in August and also a reply on 21st September with a 4 page explanation from the SSE about the Smolts in the intake slots at Aigas and Kilmorack complete with photos of them netting the smolts on the Dams. Wendy proposed that we ask Our MSP Kate Forbes to speak to both SSE and SEPA about the smolt problem and was agreed that Wendy would arrange a meeting for herself and Paul Pacey with Kate Forbes.

Permits and Rules: Rule 4 in Permit .the Committee thinks that it should be changed at the AGM to “take out “ the following words, ”Great care should be taken” . And thus Start with ”Members will be held responsible”

Put this to membership at AGM and also that we will have enquired how much it would cost to go back to the “OLD Style BOOK permit “

A.O.B:   Dave Sellers to contact one of our Members, Allen Hill about the gate/s combination to access Byeway past Loch Fada for Dundonnell Mountain Rescue. There is only one combination lock that we have the number of. Suggest that they contact Erchless Estate for any other access.

Firth Permits , Ian McHardy asked for a book of these as he is getting anglers calling him for these and he has none at the moment , Paul Summerlin to supply him with a book.

A meeting with Lovat estate re. Levy for river, Wendy to arrange a meeting after Ian in the Lovat office gets back from his holiday and she has the Catch Returns in – so end of October.

Dave Sellers to send out an Email and letter to All Members reminding them to have their Returns in By NO LATER than Wednesday 31st OCTOBER .

Meeting Ended
Next Meeting                                   Wednesday 7th November


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting 5th September 2018

Apologies: Paul Summerlin.
Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Paul Pacey, Jim Braithwaite, Neil Mackenzie.

Approval of Minutes: Proposed Neil Mackenzie, Seconded Jim Braithwaite.

Matters arising not on the agenda: Wendy wrote to Anne Anderson , SEPA asking if they hold any info relating to the mortality of smolts on the Beauly River System as they navigate from their spawning grounds down river, and specifically as they navigate through the dams.

Within this request I include all written and digital information held by SEPA which directly or indirectly relates to this issue. The period she is interested in is 2008-2018. Wendy handed out SEPA’s reply acknowledging her letter.

Young Peoples Fish Days:
These have been going well – Yorky has been collecting the names of young people. He has been to see the owners of Tarvie Lochs, which have been stocked recently, and he was quoted £12 per child for the bait lochs.

It was decided that we would not go to Tarvie this season but would set out dates for young people fish days for next year and that this would include other venues than the Orrin.

Fly casting for juniors, it was decided that during the next kids day at Orrin fishery a Qualified casting instructor would give some of them a short time of casting instruction just to give them a “feel” of the fly casting. Proposed Hamish Young – Jim Braithwaite to have a word with Hamish.

Yorky is to arrange another day at Orrin for Sunday 16th September.

The club has not yet received the money from the NBT for the £10/ person (£100).
Sadly “Jim’s Pond” is still dry.

Bank Clearance: Yorky is sorting Tarradale, The Mealloch still needs doing as Mike Macdonald has “done his back in”

Fishery Board and Smolts: Paul Pacey gave an excellent and comprehensive report to the Committee following his recent visit to the dams as part of The Board.
The following points were made:-

  1. a) The recent 8,000 plus or minus smolts which were trapped at Aigas – were sorted by SSE, NBFT and SEPA. SSE were now working on how to prevent this happening in future. They are building models and looking at ways to block/change the entrance to the chamber formed behind the gates when the gates are open.
  2. b) SSE need to get a CAR licence from SEPA to do anything about Smolts etc. So SEPA has to be involved in monitoring the smolts.
  3. c) We do not currently have definitive evidence that smolts are being killed on their way through the turbines. What we do know is the results of a survey of 100 smolts at Tor Achilty. Tor Achilty is similar to Aigas and Kilmorack in that the smolts have to navigate the turbines but quite different in terms of flow and profile of the dam. The survey had found that 2.1MW load (a low rate) that after 1 hour 90% of the smolts survived and after 48 hours 73.5% survived. Whereas at 4MW 99.2% survived and after 48 hours 90.1% survived. The survival figures are averages.
    Kilmorack study of very small nos of smolts and therefore not statistically helpful but it was found that at 8MW load there was a 10% loss, at 4MW 9 of 25 smolts were lost (36%). No study at compensation level (2.1 MW).
  4. d) Smolts travel at night so one solution is to hold water back in the day and release it at night. It is clear that SSE has tried to keep the rate high at night when the smolts travel but the decision to do so depends on operational needs (including the need to make money).
  5. e) the declining return rates of smolts is largely a marine problem. Marine survival is now only 5% compared to a former 15-20%. The returning population of adult fish 3500/4000 is commensurate with the low rates smolt survival. The Beauly used to have 7000 to 8000 fish returning to the river.
  6. f)   It was the view of the Committee that given the low rates of smolt survival and the low rate of returning adults we should do all we can to ensure that as many smolts as possible get to sea. Paul noted that the smolts only go through the dams in a small 2month “Window” during April/May.
    The Committee thinks this means surveys of smolts as they go through the turbines at least 4MW and 2.1MW. Something which the NBFT biologist also thinks is needed.
  7. g) Finally Pike It is thought that pike have been introduced to parts of the Beauly catchment and as such are non native species. If so should they be controlled like other non natives

Permits: It was decided to investigating cost of permit booklet as the current system does not allow people to have the rules at hand when they are fishing and is very time consuming to operate.

Competitions: Rules. Current rules include the fact that individual anglers are responsible for damaged equipment not the Club   Therefore the broken oar at Watten should have been paid by those who broke it. Wendy to send a bill to Ian McHardy etc.

It was discussed that anyone putting their name forward to take part in a competition will need to pay for their place if they cancel less than a week before or fail to provide someone else to take part. This will go to the AGM.


Loch Fada, Ian McHardy has faxed Erchless Castle about this subject. Since he has not had a reply it should be assumed that we can still fish it.

NBFT Jim Braithwaite told the committee that he will be standing down from his position as the clubs representative on the River Trust. Paul Pacey said that John Szarkiewicz would be a good fit for this position!!

Meeting ended

Next meeting is Wednesday 3rd October.


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting 4th July 2018

Apologies: Jim Braithwaite
Present: Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Paul Summerlin, Neil Mackenzie.

Approval of Minutes: Proposed Wendy Harpe, Seconded John Brocklehurst.

Matters arising not on the agenda: Wendy has emailed Alistair Campbell of Bidwells, thanking him for the Downie Beat letting and asked him we could have an extra 2 weeks if possible next year as no one else fished it in early April.

Young Peoples Fish Days: Yorky said that the Sunday in June was a great success; they fished until 3pm and had to be “dragged away” from the Orrin Fishery. Everyone had caught at least 1 fish, and some many more – 51 fish in total. There were 21 people (youngsters and adults).

The club received £10 per person (£100) from the NBFT – on the basis they would be providing some youngsters for each event. In addition Syd Pennington and Peter Masheter donated £40 and £30 each for the food and towards the next outing.

Sadly the “Jim’s Pond” event scheduled for Sunday 8th July has been cancelled due to the lack of water.

The next event is on Sunday 29th July at Orrin fishery. The Committee discussed the need to have more than one venue and to limit the time.   It was also pointed out that all the youngsters needed permits. Yorky to explore other possibilities, currently he is hoping that he may be able to get a day at Tarvie Lochs.

The Committee thanked Yorky and his helpers for looking after the Young Fishers – both arranging the day and supervising them all.

Upper Beauly Fishings: Dave Sellers Sent out a Newsletter to All members via an Email and a Letter to “Non emailers” explaining how to book these lovely beats from July to the end of the season for £25 per day.

Bank Clearance: Yorky sorting Tarradale, Mike McDonald to do Mealloch. As decided at the last meeting Wendy had asked Ewen Robertson to go and look at the Ferry. Ewen sent Wendy a full page report on his findings the work he has done there so currently there are no problems. Thanks, Ewen.

Fishery Board and Smolts: The Committee discussed the recent 8,000 smolts which were trapped at Aigas – this was sorted by SSE, NBFT and SEPA. However, SSE needs to find a long-term solution since this is not the first time it is happened.

Even more concerning SSE are still closing their eyes to the killing of large percentages of smolts through the turbines.   Their failure to tackle this long-term problem is almost incomprehensible given that the River has been made Category 3.   Every smolt lost is a smolt that cannot return – catch and release will not alter this fact.

It was decided that we would NOT have a Committee meeting in AUGUST unless anything urgent came up, in which case we would call a meeting. The next meeting will be Wednesday September 5th.

The Committee signed an “In Sympathy” Card for Dave Sellers to send to one of our members Lee Martin. His wife had passed away very suddenly while they were on Holiday. Lee had been a valued committee member for several years.


Meeting Closed


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting 6th June 2018.

Apologies: Nil

Present Wendy Harpe (Chair), Paul Pacey, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Jim Braithwaite, Paul Summerlin, Neil Mackenzie.

Approval of Minutes : Proposed,Paul Summerlin, Seconded Jim Braithwaite.

 Matters arising not on Agenda:

The missing reels have been found and are now in the possession of Yorky Brocklehurst. Also Hamish Young has kindly donated a Single handed 8ft 6in fly rod for the club to do with as it wishes, and this is also in the possession of York Brocklehurst .

The Seniors Competition at Loch Meig on Saturday 2nd of June was sadly brought to a “Shuddering Halt” due to Thunder and Lightening. Jim Braithwaite had just caught a small trout as the event was being stopped. This was the only catch of the day so Jim won the Competition by default. Neil Mackenzie has emailed Stephen Dowds, Chairman of Loch Achonachie AC thanking him for giving the Beauly AC a reduction in the prices charged by L.A.A.C .

Many thanks go to Neil Mackenzie for arranging the event and the Committee hopes that we get better weather Next year.

Young people Fishing Days. This will take place Sunday 10th June at approx 11am there will hopefully be approx a dozen youngsters coming to the Orrin Fishery, with Yorky, Ian McHardy, Dunc Fraser and Chris Daphne there to watch over them. The fishery is being stocked on Friday/ Saturday so they will be looking to get some caught with a worm and bubble float .The event will last for 2 to 3 hours depending on how much they enjoy the event.

There will be another couple of events at Jim Braithwaite’s Ponds and also again at Orrin Fishery. These are on the following dates . “Jim’s Ponds” Sunday 8th July (limited numbers) for this event. Orrin Fishery, Sunday 29th July, this will depend on whether the the youngsters enjoy the First event.!!

Bank Clearance.   Mike McDonald will be strimming the long grass at the Mealloch beat.and Yorky is going to do the Tarradale bank area.
There is some work going on at the Ferry beat banks but this is not being done by the Club. We will be checking progress on this

Fishery Board, Dave Sellers sent out an email as requested to aprox 90 members/anglers re the AGM Beauly District Fishery Board on 23rd May 2018 that will be at the Lovat Arms on the 12th June.
Wendy will email Alastair Campbell (Bidwells) thanking him for allowing BAC to fish the Downie Beats again at the start of the season, and will suggest that the Club wondered if it could have the Downie for the April as well as the Feb and March weeks, seeing as there is no one Fishing the Downie for those weeks in April. Wendy to also ask about any members getting a “reduced rate” if they book a rod on the Lower Beauly private Beats

The Cables that run under the river at the Mealloch Beat, run through the Teewig Farm land. These are being relaid due to the fact that they are not big enough. It also seem they will have to relay the sleeve either because it will be too small for the new cable or because of its condition.

 Meeting Closed       Next Meeting 4th July


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting 2nd May 2018

Apologies for absence. Paul Pacey.

Present. Wendy Harpe (Chair), Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Jim Braithwaite, Neil Mackenzie, Paul Summerlin.

Approval of Minutes. Proposed, Jim Braithwaite, Seconded, Wendy Harpe.

Matters arising not on the Agenda,

The fishing tackle that was donated by Alan Cadden for the Club to do with how it wished, was put into auction and raised a surprisingly good £81.57p. Dave Sellers (secretary) to send Alan a thank you via Email .

Paul Pacey has picked up the tackle from Hamish and passed it on to Yorkie. Yorkie said they were 3 real short and that he would speak to Paul Pacey.

Wendy told the meeting that the Membership now stands at 85. She has spoken to Paul Pacey about Junior members and he reported that he has spoken to one of the scientists from the river Trust (Chris Daphnie) about some form of funding for young fishers.

Competitions. Loch Meig (Loch Achonachie AC ) Inter Club Comp is on Saturday 19th May.
The BAC Senior Competition will take place on 2nd June at Loch Meig. Loch Watten (Beauly AC) “Our Inter Club Comp” is on Saturday 21st July.

Young People Fish Days. A date has been arranged for Sunday May 27th,11am at Orrin Fishery, Yorky Brocklehurst, Ian McHardy and Jim Braithwaite will be in attendance. Jim to ask Chris Daphnie if he would like to bring 4 youngsters with him.
We will see how this event goes, approx. 2 to 3 hours max Jim to report to the next Committee Meeting or maybe before that by email to Wendy or Dave

Bank Clearance. Mealloch, Yorky Brocklehurst to have a word with Mike Macdonald and ask him if he can do a bit of cutting back the brambles that he said were getting a bit thick.
Yorky said that he will have another look at Tarradale as soon as he finishes “Lambing”.

Bird Count. Jim Braithwaite and about 8 other members were involved with this and the River Trust’s Nick Barker, they managed to get a pretty accurate count on the full length of the system. 20 odd Goosanders, though most were at the bottom end, not too many up the top end .

A.O.B. On the 1st of May, The Press and Journal had a very good report on the Upper Garry Salmon Restoration Project by the Ness District Fishery Board/Ness and Beauly Fisheries Trust Bioligists,I think it was also in the April edition of the Trout and Salmon magazine.

The owner of The Beauly Holiday Park has requested a copy of the clubs Insurance policy again Dave Sellers will see him this Friday and give him a copy and ask him to send Dave an email to confirm that he has received the copy.

Meeting closed

Next meeting   Wednesday 6th June.


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting Wednesday 4th April 2018

Apologies : Paul Pacey, Paul Summerlin and Alan Cadden

Present.:   Wendy Harpe (Chair), Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Jim Braithwaite, Neil Mackenzie.

Matters Arising not on the agenda:-

Insurance. After the research it was decided to stay with our current insurers. This is now paid. GS group Insurance the Policy for 2018/19,  April 1st 2018 to 31st March 2019 both days inclusive

Competitions: Seniors Competition will be at Loch Meig, on 2nd June. Cost for hire of Loch Meig is £50 to Loch Achonachie AC and it is £15 per Rod/payable to Neil Mackenzie

Membership: Wendy Harpe reported that so far 78 members had joined the Club.

Bird Count: Nick Barker was pleased with the response to the Email that we sent out to the members, he has quite a few people wishing to be involved! this will happen on 18th April.

Committee membership. Alan Cadden: Alan has resigned from the committee and leaves with no bad feelings, he is leaving the Holiday Park and is relocating, living for a while in Aberdeenshire so he cannot attend the meetings. He has donated some fishing gear to the club which will be sold at auction, and also the Club badges that he paid to be cast. These are now on sale on the Club’s web site.

The Committee is now a member short and in addition Paul Summerlin has injured himself badly playing Badminton and now cannot walk without crutches, so his attendance may be erratic. However much of the business for the year has been concluded so the situation is not desperate. It was agreed that in the next Newsletter we will ask if anyone would like to join us on the Committee for the remainder of the season.

Junior Fishings: Yorky Brocklehurst has received confirmation from the owners of Orrin Fishery that it is ok for the Juniors to fish with Spinners or Bait at the Orrin fishery.
Yorky asked the committee if Ian McHardy might have the clubs single-anded fly rods at his house so juniors can try casting in his garden, this seemed a good idea but it was reiterated that fishing for the juniors this year will focus on sessions where they catch fish, not on learning to cast etc.

The Juniors that are or have been members are the 2 grandchildren of a Senior Member John Fraser of Wester Braes, 3 of Douglas Leslie’s family at Fassock House nr. Foxhole, Rooney 5 of them at Meikle Phoineas, The 2 Shannon juniors in Inverness, John Vickers has 2 at Struy.and maybe the Courts family at Newton Hill.

Wendy to have a word with Paul Pacey to find out how things are going with his attempts at “signing up” juniors!

Bank work: Mealloch beat, Wendy has spoken to Mike McDonald and he said it’s not bad just needs the brambles cutting back.
Tarradale. Yorky, Karl Brocklehurst and Brian Zblewski will go and cut back the long grass, etc..

The Priory Walk is unlikely to have much done to it because of the Japanese Knotweed. Wendy to check with Lovat Estates as to who owns the land behind the Priory towards Tarradale.

Still need to make arrangements for cutting the brambles around the Mealloch.

Meeting Closed

Next Meeting       Wednesday 2nd May



Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting 7th March 2018

Apologies. Alan Cadden, John Brocklehurst

Present. Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers,Paul Pacey,Jim Braithwaite,PaulSummerlin,Neil Mackenzie.

Minutes Approved by Jim Braithwaite and Neil Mackenzie.

Matters Arising. Not on the Agenda

Dave Sellers to print out copies of the last meeting’s Minutes for each member of the Committee so that they can read it while Dave tells the meeting of its contents.

Clubs Senior Competition. Neil spoke to the owner of Tarvie Lochs but he was rather vague about prices /dates available . Neil then was in discussion with Stephen Dowds, Chairman at Loch Achonachie AC and Stephen said that they could let us have the use of Loch Meig and supply us with 5 boats to have 3 fishers /boat for approx £50 and so the meeting decided that Neil would get back to Stephen and try to fix a date on Saturday June 2nd or June   9th.
Insurance: Jim Braithwaite is still waiting to hear from two companies that he has asked for a price of their policy. Jim said that he would ring Graham Mackenzie (President at Inverness AC) to ask about their Policy, etc. If he has not sorted this by Thursday 15th March he will ring Dave Sellers, to let him know and return the old policy paperwork. Dave will let Yorkie Know so he can send a cheque to the company we are using at the moment and renew with them for 2018/19.
Keys for Ferry beat etc. Alan Brindle has purchased a key for the Ferry from the Lovat Estate, as with all keys this is still the property of Lovat Estates.

Membership. The number of members so far at7/3/2018 is 69 consisting of :-

Juniors               6
Intermediates     1
Senior Citizens 31
Seniors             31

Approx. income to date £2,775 made up of £605 Donations and £2170 Full Permits.

Bird Survey NBFT.   Several Club Members have said that they would like to be involved in this. The meeting is to take place on Friday 9th. Anyone who wants to take part and cannot make the meeting should let Nick Barker know.

Bank Clearance. Wendy Harpe and John Brocklehurst have had a look at Tarradale and the “walk “ along the bank of the Firth behind Prior. Tarradale will need spraying etc. the path IMPASSABLE!! Wendy is going to ask Nick Barker for the Map that he has that shows where all the Knotweed and other invasive plants are ‘Taking over’.   She has spoken to James Campbell – they are not expecting to do any work on the path but are proposing to do some work on the Ferry.
Wendy also will have a word with Mike Macdonald who fishes Mealloch beat a lot to ask if he would have a look there and report back.

Junior Competition : Paul Pacey said that first we must get the kids to Fish and Catch a Fish !! So Youngsters need to be able to Go fish with a Spinner or a worm NOT in a Competition but just to ENJOY being able to catch A FISH !!
It was his view that previous attempts had failed partly because they were fly only and as much time was spent learning as fishing and partly because they did not catch fish. a couple of hours at a time.

It was decided that we should try for 3 fishing occasions – not competitions. One at Jim Braithwaite place where they can catch a fish with a worm or Spinner. One hopefully at the Orin – Paul will have a word with John Brocklehurst about this to see whether they would be happy with non-fly fishing And one to be decided. Also they should not fish for too long 2/3 hours at the most.

Paul Pacey is going on a recruitment drive at schools to get more young ones fishing and he will be liaising with NBFT who are also working in schools. Wendy said we had 6 youngster 3 of whom are definitely keen to fish.

Paul Pacey to go see Hamish Young and pick-up the remaining equipment that he has that belongs to the club. Hamish has offered a fly rod as a prize.

Newsletter. Dave to Draft out a newsletter,

  • Describe how the Opening Celebration went,
  • Explain to the members Where and Who has the Keys for the Ferry and how do they get hold of a key to access the Ferry !
  • Seniors Competition Where and What date and who to ring to book a place ! Neil on 01463 782991
  • Inter Club Comp at Loch Watten Sat 21st July   If you want to fish this event ring Neil on 01463 782991
  • Junior Day NOT a Competition but a Day out, date to be decided Reminder Kids can Join the Club FOR FREE it costs nothing to join!!!
  • Ask Last years members if they have got their permits Yet!!!


A.O.B Paul Pacey, Neil and Jim to Check ALL equipment Works that they have for use in bank work.

Tell Members to read the Web site more often and if they think they cannot find something on it to contact one of us on the committee who they can email or phone

Meeting Closed Next Meeting:                                               Wednesday April 4th


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting 7th February 2018

 Apologies     Jim Braithwaite, Paul Pacey.

Present.   Wendy Harpe, Dave Sellers, Neil Mackenzie, Alan Cadden, Paul Summerlin, John Brocklehurst.

Minutes. Approved by Paul Summerlin and seconded by Neil Mackenzie.

Matters Arising.

  1. The Senior Competition Venue. John Brocklehurst has checked the stocking policy of a local loch to check suitability for holding the Senior Competition, although dates and venues have to be confirmed by Neil Mackenzie.
  2. The Inter Club Competition, the date has been changed to Saturday 21st July   at Loch Watten.

Downie Fishing: The Rules have been sent out to the fishers. All places are full, the   5th rod has been used to make it possible for two people who work away to fish in March. Jim Braithwaite, and John & Karl Brocklehurst will be repairing access road as needed before the season starts.

Day and Firth tickets. The Firth Tickets, Paul Summerlin is printing these off and they will then go to Grahams. Fishpal will also have the capacity to book tickets. Although there has never been a limit to the number of Firth tickets we sell we need to keep an eye on how they sell through Fishpal.

Day Tickets for the river. It was decided that since we have failed to find anywhere else in the village to sell that Ian McHardy will have the book and will be able to sell up to 2 tickets per day. Fishpal will also have the capacity to sell 2 tickets per day.

Estate and Key for Ferry Beat. Wendy Harpe (chairperson) has spoken to Ian Shepherd of Lovat Estates about various topics. The lease is due for renewal in October and Ian said that given the current state of the river etc the rent this year will be the same as last year.

The Keys for the lock on the gate on the road to the Ferry Beat are now allocated in the following way, W.G Mackenzie, and Wendy Harpe (both of whom will be the source for keys for anyone wanting to fish the Ferry). All disabled members to have

their own key; currently this means that we need 1 extra key which is being cut at a cost of £20.00 to the Club. The Club will do this for any disabled member who wants a key.

Opening Celebration at the River. 11am at the Downie Hut on 17th February. David Sellers said that the Press and Journal does not think they have a spare photographer available for the 17th Feb., so the Club will have to take the photos and then send them in to both the P and J and the Highland News/ Courier for them to put in the following weeks editions. Paul Summerlin and John Brocklehurst to arrange food and drink and the Banner for the ORD Distillery, who are supplying a bottle of Singleton Malt for the Toasting of the river.

Fishpal. Paul Pacey, Wendy Harpe and Paul Summerlin met up at Paul Pacey’s house to discuss the arrangements with Fishpal. Paul Summerlin is now updating the Fishpal site. In future Payment notification will go to Paul Summerlin monthly and Dave Sellers will receive notification of day ticket bookings as they are made.

Web site: Paul Summerlin has taken over the Clubs Web site and is starting to update it He asked Dave Sellers to ask members in the next newsletter, if they had any old photographs that could be put on the Website and to notify Dave, so he could let Paul have them.

Marine Scotland. Wendy Harpe asked them “Where does the Beauly River Start and where does it End”, and as result she is now in correspondence with them.

AOB. Bank clearance work we need to look at, the Mealloch, The Ferry and Tarradale beats soon this year. Wendy and Yorkie to visit the Firth beats.

Juniors. How do we re-establish the Junior Competition? Do we want to get in touch with” Former” Junior members to allow John Brocklehurst and others to try to tell their parents that they can join for free, this will be discussed more fully next meeting,

Meeting Closed

Next meeting Wednesday 7th March 2018


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting 10th January 2018

Apologies: Nil.

Present:  Wendy Harpe, Paul Pacey, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Jim Braithwaite, Alan Cadden, Neil Mackenzie, Paul Summerlin.

Matters Arising:-

Insurance Policy: The renewal date is April 1st, Jim Braithwaite is looking at Insurance from a range of organisation dealing with outdoor sports. He will come back to Committee at next meeting with findings. It was decided not to renew a policy with Fish Legal at this time.

Competitions. Neil Mackenzie is pursuing the owners for the booking of Loch Watten for the “Inter Club Comp” on 28th July.
Senior Trout Comp, John Brocklehurst find out the stocking programme for Tarvie and Jim will check costs.
If the stocking programme and the costs works for us we will go to Tarvie if not we’ll try Loch Shin. Jim and Yorky to get back to Neil Mackenzie who will make the final decision.

Permits. The new cards have been designed and printed by John Szarkiewicz, laminated by Jim Braithwaite and the paperwork printed by Dave Sellers. They are already being bought by members from Wendy Harpe. Wendy pointed out that one of the reason for going for the new form of Permit was costs, however there was a cost to the permits of around £80.00 which has been mitigated by people not charging the Club.

The Downie. Dave Sellers told the meeting that the “slots for the rods” are now 95% filled. John Brocklehurst is hoping to hear from Bidwells as to whether we can be allowed 5 rods per day as against the 4 we have been allowed so far.

 Opening the River although the OFFICIAL START OF THE SEASON is the 11th February (a Sunday) The celebration of the river will take place on Saturday 17th February at 11am at the Downie Beat Hut again. Paul Summerlin and John Brocklehurst to sort Food and drinks etc. Dave Sellers has written to Anne Ross at The Ord Distillery for some “Singleton Malt” to toast the River with. John Brocklehurst to inform the Head Gillie of the day/date of this occasion.

Day tickets and Fishpal. Wendy, Paul Pacey and Paul Summerlin to meet next Monday 15th Jan to sort out the website on Fishpal. (2 day tickets for river,). Grahams of Inverness to sell the Firth tickets but will only get 2 day tickets for the river if we cannot find an outlet in Beauly.

Website. Paul Summerlin will be updating this now we are into 2018. The pictures to be divided by current and archive. Navigation to be reviewed.

Tackling Category 3. Letter that the club sent to Kate Forbes MSP means we now have a case number and a point of contact. They have agreed to a meeting when we are ready. Marine Scotland finally replying to the River Board resulting in a telephone meeting. The river will still stay as Category 3 and Paul Pacey told the meeting that Marine Scotland said it had worked out the numbers for the whole Beauly system on a different sort of counters to last year consequently putting the Beauly back from Cat 2 to Cat 3.

As most of us know the Beauly has too many predators, i.e. Dolphins, Seals, Sawbills and Cormorants, the latter 2 can be put down by license but currently Seals and Dolphins are not. The committee discussed the need for further information on other East Coast Rivers, Jim said that the Trust was looking at this. Also on the relationship between changes marine environment and salmon numbers. It was decided that we needed to spend sometime exploring how our river fitted into the overall policies.

AOB Members report that the Salmon do not seem to be stopping in the Beats 1, 2, and 3, possibly due to the river temperature. Suggestions of how to “STOP” them to the Committee please .

Meeting Finished         Next meeting Wednesday 7th FEB.


Minutes of BAC Committee Meeting 6th December 2017.

Apologies Nil

Present Wendy Harpe (Chair), Paul Pacey, Dave Sellers, John Brocklehurst, Jim Braithwaite, Alan Cadden, Neil Mackenzie.


Beauly Fishery Board Update by Paul Pacey :

No of fish through Kilmorack Dam at week 42 was 4,250, No. of fish caught from on all sections of the Beauly system in 2017 was

  1. Salmon 756 compared to 871 in 2016 (approx..13% less)
  2. Sea Trout 494 compared to 1135 in 2016 (approx. 44% less partly result of change in categorisation of Finnock)

A new fish counter is being fitted, has a camera which will make it possible to spot sea trout

Nick Barker of NBFT reported that a survey of the burns on the Beauly for fry and parr showed that there were no fundamental or long term problems.However there has been an increase in sawbills, etc.

No pink salmon have been caught on the Beauly

SSE – there is an ongoing debate on the mortality of fish going through the turbines in very low water levels. If smolts go through when they are sending compensation water there is a 30% mortality rate. This can occur on all dams and so the final mortality rate could be as much as 60% plus. SSE have no intention of changing their generating systems to avoid this.
However, changes in generating policy can be expected due to greater solar/wind supply. Eg. generating when no wind. Can also expect changes in water levels to be quicker.

Poaching. the Bailiffs reported that apart from the start of the season there had been very little poaching.

Conservation . The Board has written to the Scottish Government about the Beauly being re-categorised a level 3. They have despite reminders not received a reply. Paul informed the Board that the Club would be contacting the Government via our MSP to try and get a response.

Revised levy based on the new Rateable Value following revaluation will come into force in 2018.

Permits. Dave and Wendy will look at the paper work next week and one or both will do the printing. Jim Braithwaithe will do the lamination and John Szarkiewicz will design the actual Permit.

Day Tickets as decided at the AGM, four day tickets will be available at any one time. 2 will be made available via Fishpal and hopefully 2 from somewhere in the village.

The Downie  Bidwells have already been contacted as to whether or not the Downie will be made available to us. Yorky will follow this up. He will also be checking as to the number of rods available each day.

Opening Day -this will take place at 11am on Saturday 17th February, ideally at the Downie hut. Yorky to be in charge of food and drink hopefully with help from other members.

Website – Paul Summerlin is in charge of this and therefore he was co-opted on to the Committee. It was decided that a shortened version of the minutes would be placed on the website around a week after the Committee Meeting.

Competitions. It was decided that we would run the inter club competition at Loch Watten – provisionally Sat 28th July. Neil to sort. Senior Competition will take place around 2nd of June Venue to be arranged.

Insurance Due to be renewed 1st April – Jim Braithwaithe to research this.

Keys for the Ferry Gate. 1 is with Wendy and can be picked up from the house, Alan Brindle has one which needs to be returned. Club to try to insure that all disabled members have their own key.